Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The joy of love! day 1: what they do!

Day 1 of the "joy of Love " asks to capture your love one doing what they do. 

I received the email instructions for this class as I was laying in bed watching TV with Kevin and intermediately decided to take out my camera and capture this classic moment in our family's dynamics.  We lay to watch TV, and hang out, but can't put down our smart phones.

God forbid we miss the latest FB update... right? 

You probably can relate, you lay in bed to watch TV and during commercial breaks you check your phone. It's kind of silly because nothing really that crucial happens every 10 minutes. 

This specific night we had a very cute boy sharing our bed...and yes; he slept through all of it <3

  The room was very dark, so must pictures are taken with high ISO and F-stop of 1.8. I wanted to capture the mood in the bedroom, so just used available light from TV and I phone.  I don't think they are great pictures, but they really show a glimpse of our daily routines.

U know, Kevin is so cute. I think he is really afraid of becoming senile one day, so he plays sudoku at every chance he gets. On this instance I think that's what he was doing.

 I really don't know what is going to take to prevent this kiddo from moving into our bed at all times of the night. I secretly gotta say that I love when he is around.

If you want to participate in this free class click on the button above :)


  1. These are great Pictures!!!
    It looks kind of in our bedroom. Except we usually have Ipad (my huby) and an other small laptop (me). We are comp and tech geeks :o)) and also have our 3 years old coming in our bed and fall asleep. But I also check my cell every 10 min. during the day. Nice blog!

  2. I love those pictures. I'm going to learn so much from this class.

    btw - I play sudoku, too - but mine is the paper and pen kind :)

  3. Sleeping little ones...doesn't get much cuter!
