Monday, January 23, 2012

Back from amazing weekend!

This past weekend I had the pleasure of sharing some precious time with some amazing photographers at Meg Borders workshop in Nashville, TN. It was just so awesome to be in a room for two days with girls with similar passions, going through the same struggles and successes. Fighting against our fears of failure...seeing the fruits of our hard work...and trying to follow our dreams. 

I feel so blessed I had the opportunity to participate in this mentoring workshop. Meg is such an inspiration of all things I long to be not just in my career as a professional, but as a mother and a wife too. A woman that has her priorities straight and her heart so clear, she has designed an incredibly successful business around them. Talent, beauty, brains and a huge heart...

Because you go to these workshops thinking you will learn more about photography and you discover that at the end you learn more about yourself than anything else.

Lets just say my mind is going 100000 miles and hour and I am a bit overwhelmed with all I am wanting and needing to do and change in the way I run my business and my life to this day. I hope in the next few months I would be able to make little tweaks that will allow me to serve you better and to create the business I dream to have!

During our workshop we had a photo shoot. It went a bit fast since it was almost raining out, really dark  and like 30 degrees. Even though we didn't get the dreamy sun we were longing to get...we still had some cute shoots! here are a few...

Meg...if you read this...thank you for all your advice! you rock!

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